Aether Art (4 x 5 in) (8).png

Be the healthiest version of you & live your best life.

If you are seeking deep transformation and in service to healing all the parts that are limiting you…Then you already know that change can be challenging.

No matter how hard you have tried, the triggers and patterns are often still there. Physical, mental and emotional issues keep resurfacing.

If you are experiencing any of these:

  • Feeling overstretched, overwhelmed, and stuck

  • Not having the impact you would like to have

  • Anxious and having repetitive toxic thoughts

  • Have chronic health issues that don’t seem to be able to go away

  • Experiencing doubt, depression, shame or frustration…Then it is time to:

 Embody a new frequency

Hi, I’m Katie Grubb

I turned to creativity to rebuild my life after experiencing a complete mental, physical, and emotional breakdown—what I now see as a breakthrough. Through this journey, I discovered that the most profound healing didn’t come from conventional methods alone.

I sought out advanced training in biofield therapy and somatic healing techniques, learning how to clear and imprint energy fields to facilitate deep, lasting transformation. It was this unique combination of clearing my own energy field and developing a somatic creative practice that brought about real change.

Today, I’m in a much better place, living with more clarity, purpose, and fulfillment than ever before.

I now use the BodyConnect Method + Flow Art to support others on their healing journeys, helping them clear blocks and realign with their true selves.

What you will recieve

  • Remote Bio-Energetic Healing: A session to clear your energy field and imprint it with the frequency you need.

  • Personalized A3 Art Print: Imprinted with your unique healing frequency and sent directly to you.

  • Digital Copy of Your Art: Along with a detailed list of what was cleared from your system.

Emotional Release

Let go of old emotions that no longer serve you.


Mental Clarity

Clear mental fog and gain sharper focus.

Physical Well-being

Experience improvements in your physical health.

Energetic Balance

Align your energy with your true essence.

Inspired Living

Connect with renewed inspiration and joy.

Life Alignment

Realign with your passion, purpose, and prosperity.

How does it work?

Using the BodyConnect method, I clear energy blocks, limiting beliefs, and toxic patterns that are in the subconscious. I then imprint the new frequency your system needs into your biofield and create your personalised art.  This healing works on an energetic level which then goes on to affect all aspects of your health (physical, mental and emotional).

I know, it might sound a bit woo-woo, but it's grounded in quantum science and biology. Musicians, poets, artists, and energy healers access the unseen realm every day to do their work— weaving beauty into existence for the healing of humanity.

Your inner world will determine your outer reality

95% of what makes up the universe is unknown and often referred to as the Aether. Equally, 95% of our brain activity is unconscious, meaning that the majority of our decisions, actions, emotions, and behaviours are driven by programs that lie just beyond our conscious awareness.

To fully effect change in our life it is necessary to identify what subconscious programs are interfering with your conscious desires to heal and clear them. 

The Greeks spoke of Aether as being pure and light. It is the source of our creative essence.
— Become your brightest self - KG

1. Book a session

Step 1. When you book, there will be a questionnaire to fill out asking you what main emotional, or health issue you are wanting to resolve. I will also ask you if there are any particular colours you are feeling drawn to.

2. Recieve healing & Art

Step 2. Receive your remote healing + personalised art print. At an agreed time, I will clear your bio-energetic field and create a beautiful personalised art piece imprinted with your healing frequency.  

3. Live your best life

Step 3. This healing works on an energetic level which then goes on to affect all aspects of your health (physical, mental and emotional).


*Price is in AUD (Australian dollars) & Includes postage of art print


*Price is in AUD (Australian dollars) & Includes postage of art print


  • Remote healing works by tapping into your energetic field through muscle testing. I clear blocks and limiting beliefs, then imprint the needed frequency into your biofield. The process is rooted in quantum science and the interconnectedness of all things.  It can be done when you are in a state of relaxation (sleeping, reading a book, going for a walk in nature etc).

  • After a session, many clients report feeling lighter, more aligned, and inspired. You may notice shifts in your emotional state, mental clarity, and physical well-being as the imprinted frequency works on all aspects of your health.

  • often when we are clearing chronic patterns and health issues, the body may need a few sessions to clear everything. I can muscle test to see how many sessions you need, or you may just follow your intuition with this. 

    There are two ways I can approach multiple healing sessions:

    1. Create a completely new art piece each time - new colours and shapes. OR

    2. I build upon the original art piece with patterns and designs overlaid, sending a print of the updated version to you each time. 

  • After clearing your energy field, I work in a meditative state and create an art piece that is energetically aligned with the frequency your system needs. The art serves as a visual and energetic tuning to the healing you've received, helping to maintain and reinforce the changes.

  • Yes and no. When you book your session, you'll have the opportunity to specify any colours you're particularly drawn to, which will be incorporated into your personalised art piece.  However, I am working with flow mediums and they always will blend and mix to create unknown and unique colours on the page. Most people like to just leave the whole entire process including colour selection using the BodyConnect healing process. If you have your heart set on particular colours or designs, then applying for a custom art piece might be more appropriate for you.

  • After your remote healing session, the personalised art piece will be created and shipped to you. Depending on your location, you can expect to receive it within 2-4 weeks.

  • Aether Art is designed for anyone who is ready to release old patterns and align with their true self. It is a gentle therapy which makes it especially perfect for children and also people who have trauma that is difficult to talk about. 

More About The Science Behind the Art

‘Bio-energetic’ therapy is a term used to describe many different energy healing modalities - all with the end goal of moving stagnant energy through the body to create more flow.

Loss of energetic flow creates dis-ease in the body, leading to a myriad of health problems. Reiki healing, sound healing, shamanic healing and qigong are all examples of energetic healing modalities used to create more flow and vitality in the body

Energetic stagnation in the body is caused by

  • Unprocessed fear and emotions stored in the subconscious

  • Underlying beliefs due to core wounding

  • Energetic cords that need to be reconnected, disconnected or cleansed.

  • Unresolved thoughts, ideas, judgements, conflicts and beliefs held in the subconscious, among many other things.

The mode of bio-energetic therapy I specialise in is known as the BodyConnect Method (BCM). The BCM uses kinesiology and the science of muscle testing to directly find and extract the unprocessed emotions, fears, beliefs etc. that are causing the symptom(s) you are experiencing by restoring flow in the body.  The BCM aids in healing both physical and emotional symptoms. 

The science underpinning BCM has been well-researched by Dr. Bruce H Lipton. His book - The Biology of Belief is a good place to understand more. And Dr. Tomaya Weiser is the founder of the Body Connect Method. 

Quantum Science + Biology + Creativity